Halloween Party

The youngest Musa decided to invite a few friends round for a Halloween party. My initial concerns when permission was sought for this party were – House full of 16 year olds – Drink being taken – Devastation – Pestilence – Pillaging and Plunder!   Then I thought . . . . . It’s a good excuse for Mrs Musa and I to go out for the evening!  Permission was granted.

Prior to disappearing to the pub I helped prepare the house for said party. My job was exterior decoration and mainly involved candles and jam jars. We decided to get the skeleton out of the closet and I arranged its head and hands to give the impression it was rising from the grave.


As can be seen from the photos above and below, the skeleton is emerging from a patch of alpine dianthus next to Echeveria runyonii 'Topsey Turvey'. I added a flower to its hand for added drama and pathos.


I think I’ve said in a previous post that I like candlelight in the garden. For the party I attached a small glass candleholder with a nightlight to the top of a stem of Arundo donax (the Giant Reed). I did this by bending the stem down to reachable level and then allowing it to spring back to vertical, thus I had a candle 12ft in the air. Great!

The party seemed to go well and the house was still standing when we staggered back from the pub. The only slight disappointment was that I had not been able to watch Kevin’s Halloween party on his webcam (see earlier post). I did see the start of his party - it is very strange to be the fly on the wall.