Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex' (and a hand)

Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex'
Originally uploaded by emagen

I mentioned in an earlier post this Spring, that I was pleased my Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex' (or Rice Paper Plant) had survived the winter and was making new leaf shoots.
Now, I few short weeks later it is producing massive leaves, the photograph, taken yesterday, shows the hand of the author to give scale.
The plant is situated in a sunny place but in a bed more suited to plants that like dry conditions. I would like to move the plant to a better location but fear losing it. A comment from a reader of the earlier post suggested that it was reasonably easy to strike cuttings and I think I will give this a try.

Its Monday and back to work. There's a howling, cold east wind. Not a good day!!


  1. We have a Tetrapanax papyrifera growing wild in the alley behind our bungalow here in Houston, Texas, USA. The flowers are so exotic that I wanted one for indoor decoration. As I was about to cut one, dozens of flies came off the bloom. I have been unable to retrieve a flower, as the flies are always there. Ugh!

  2. Hi Annie
    It seems strange that you have such plants growing wild whilst I struggle to grow them here in England. I guess it must be very hot way down south in Texas.
    I'm not sure if my Tetrapanax will ever bloom, if it does, I wonder if it will get the flies!
    Thanks for getting in touch.

  3. my plant grows in my greenhouse and there are always new shoots coming up all over my floor i am in lincolnshire uk
