Colocasia esculenta emerging

Colocasia esculenta emerging
Originally uploaded by emagen

The photograph is of a leaf shoot of Colocasia esculenta emerging from the soil (taken today). I'm quite surprised how well these plants manage to overwinter without protection. I always keep some plants / tubers in my temporary plastic greenhouse but I lose most of them to rot. I think I will give-up over-protecting them and let them take their chances outdoors. If they can survive last winter then I need not worry.
Having said that - Was last winter really that bad? Sure, we had snow but not really that much and winter seemed to start earlier. But I'm sure my pond spent less time covered in ice than the year before and the year before that. Also the better Spring weather started earlier and we have not had any damaging late frosts.
I'm sure my bananas would disagree though. Where once stood mighty bananas to 12ft, now there are only new shoots emerging from the ground.

1 comment:

  1. I have 11 tree ferns growing all around my house. All are happy except one. It seems that the fronds that normally unfurl from the crown are impacted so tightly that they can not unfurl. Is there something I can do to "unpack" the impacted crown? I have pictures but do not know how to post them.
