Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex'

IMG_6756 Tetrapanax papyrifera ‘Rex’ – What a name and what a plant!

Also known as the Rice Paper Plant, it has huge leaves and really suits an exotic garden or border. It needs a sheltered sunny spot and demands plenty of water in the summer. Mine is probably not in the best position as it is in quite a dry spot and too close to a path. But the dryness of its site probably helps it get through the winter. After such a cold winter I had concerns for its survival but I’m pleased to report that today I have noticed new leaf shoots coming through.

I really should have planted it in a better position but now I’m loathe to mioving it in case it dies. I think I shall purchase a new plant which will probably involve travelling to a specialist nursery or ordering on-line, it is a plant that you will not often find in local garden centres.

There are also plenty of websites giving learned advice on this plant. Please remember – I know nothing! (much)

By the way, my foray into this blog writing lark has now taken me to try Windows Live Writer for the first time so this is a test run with it.

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  1. I started a Tetrapanax papirifera from a hardwood cutting. And more from the young shoots within a yard from the parent, so do not worry. Some have grown to 4m high. When your tree is hardy enough take a cutting and plant elsewhere. A sheltered, sunny spot.

  2. Thanks for your advice. I'm pleased to say that the Tetrapanex papifera is coming back very strongly. But I will try and take a cutting, when the time is right, as the patch of ground it is in is very sunny and sheltered but the drainage is perhaps too sharp. other stuff has died in this patch for no obvious reason.
    Thanks again.

  3. Where did you buy your plants online ? I am trying to find a good seller.

  4. Sorry for the long delay in replying - I only just got notification of your comment. However, I have to say that I can't remember! All I know is that I did not buy it online.

  5. My T'Rex is now 3 yrs old, has one trunk and is approx 2m in height. However it is forming flower heads from the main stem - 4 in total. Does this mean it is about to die? What should i do let it flower or cut them off?

  6. It might be worth trying www.crug-farm.co.uk for getting a cracking good cultivar of T papyrifera. Mine has leaves over a metre wide !!
