Parahebe and Tetrapanax papyrifera

19th June – The Parahebe (left of picture) is doing well (as ever) whilst the Tetrapanax papyrifera is making slow progress.

I’m pretty sure that the Parahebe is Parahebe catarractae. I must admit that it is a largely neglected plant in my garden, it just grows! It grows in a very dry position and I do need to water it from time to time, it is evergreen and has a rather straggly habit which is not particularly endearing. However, at this time of year it is covered in small blue flowers and looks really good and will keep on flowering for several weeks yet. It is true to say that after about ten years that this plant is now growing on me!

Parahebe and Tetrapanax papyrifera

Tetrapanax papyrifera or Rice Paper Plant (right of picture) . . . . . . .  I suppose I’m lucky that this plant survived the harsh winter. In fact the top third of its trunk was killed by the frost but it has made new growth from the undamaged part. It really needs some warmer weather now to produce its massive leaves to full effect. I really need some warmer weather now!!

I’m pleased to say that also in the picture is an action shot of one of the famous gardening shoes! Using a wide-angle lens has had the effect of making the famous gardening shoe look smaller than it really is.

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