Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold'


Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' (Adriatic Bellflower) is just beginning to flower and I think the plant looks best when it is in bud. The emerging blue buds look really great amongst the almost yellow leaves and create a sort of haze effect. I can’t resist trying to get a decent photograph of it and my Flickr site has many attempts on it.

I grow this plant on a narrow wall bed in a fairly sunny site and the extra height plus it being just outside the glass back doors enable it to be seen. Of course, I have to admit, I didn’t think of this when I planted it 10 years ago – it just turned out to be a lucky placement.

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' is a low growing, rock garden, perennial type of Campanula. I have several other ‘rock garden’ types but they tend to be invasive as does garganica but this ‘Dickson’s Gold’ variety behaves itself very well. My plant now covers about 3 square feet and is about 3 inches high. This variety has the added advantage of its bright yellow-green leaves that give interest even when the plant is out of flower.

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