New Bamboo Shoots

New Bamboo Shoots
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The new shoots of Black Bamboo or Phyllostachys nigra are thrusting upwards from the ground.
This year it looks like the new canes are going to be up to 3/4 inch in diameter. The width of each new shoot will be the same as when it is fully grown (if that makes sense!). Last years new canes were not particularly thick or numerous. I'm not sure why this year should be a more productive year as I have not changed the way I cultivate the plant.
Every year, in the autumn, I put a thick layer of rotted compost from the heap all around the canes. In the spring I apply liquid feed and ensure the soil is kept moist. Throughout the year I cut out any small canes in order to keep the clump from becoming too chocked. I always remove the lower branches from each new cane as it grows (I call this 'shaving its legs'). Removing the lower branches makes the black canes more visible although it is important to note that the canes do not turn black until their second year. I'm not sure if removing the lower branches does the plant any harm but its canes are now over 12 feet high so it seems quite healthy.
I grow Phyllostachys nigra in dappled shade and I think this prevents it wandering too far although this year some of the new shoots seem to have travelled quite far.

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