
This is the last post to this blog (there should be music).
It has been an experiment and one that has been enjoyable, to a point. But, I have learned a lot and will we back one day. Perhaps a blog on the subject of stoats or something more specific - I don't know. Certainly, there are far better and knowledgeable people than me on the subject of plants and gardens and I have failed to add the intended wit to make this blog interesting. 'Work' is bad enough without adding another burden and that is what it has become - "What shall I write" - "I should write something".
So, goodbye and thanks to anyone who found interest in my meanderings.
This blog will stay open for the next few weeks and then I will delete it.


Under Hostas towards Black Bamboo Canes

Under Hostas towards Black Bamboo
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Further to my previous post, I took this photograph with the camera underneath some hostas looking towards Phyllostachys nigra (Black Bamboo). I think the black canes show up well and you can see the emerging new shoots.
I've been experimenting with taking photographs from underneath plants. Some of the results can be seen on my Flickr photostream in my 'Underplants' set. (Follow the link next to the above photo.)

New Bamboo Shoots

New Bamboo Shoots
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The new shoots of Black Bamboo or Phyllostachys nigra are thrusting upwards from the ground.
This year it looks like the new canes are going to be up to 3/4 inch in diameter. The width of each new shoot will be the same as when it is fully grown (if that makes sense!). Last years new canes were not particularly thick or numerous. I'm not sure why this year should be a more productive year as I have not changed the way I cultivate the plant.
Every year, in the autumn, I put a thick layer of rotted compost from the heap all around the canes. In the spring I apply liquid feed and ensure the soil is kept moist. Throughout the year I cut out any small canes in order to keep the clump from becoming too chocked. I always remove the lower branches from each new cane as it grows (I call this 'shaving its legs'). Removing the lower branches makes the black canes more visible although it is important to note that the canes do not turn black until their second year. I'm not sure if removing the lower branches does the plant any harm but its canes are now over 12 feet high so it seems quite healthy.
I grow Phyllostachys nigra in dappled shade and I think this prevents it wandering too far although this year some of the new shoots seem to have travelled quite far.

Beschorneria yuccoides about to flower

It is with a certain amount of sadness that I have to announce that my Beschorneria yuccoides plant is about to flower.


I’ve grown this plant for a number of years and I really, really like it. It looks a bit like a Yucca but despite its looks, it does not have sharp spikes on it hence it can be grown close to a path. I like its geometric shape and its blue/grey/green leaves.

The flower bud looks enormous and I’m surprised that there are another two buds developing.


The flower spike should reach 6ft and, I’ve read, should be quite spectacular. I’ll probably (almost certainly) post a picture when it actually flowers.


So, why am I so sad? Because, after flowering the main plant will die! OK, so there are now small baby plants around the base but it will take some time for these to grow and I will need to separate them – I think the plant looks best growing as a solitary specimen.

Its been a good plant and I will miss it.

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Garden, June 3rd 2009

Garden, June 3rd 2009
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Photograph of the top part of the garden taken late evening yesterday. Every day there is something coming into bloom. The garden is still in Spring mode with the 'big stuff' yet to make a mark. Mind you, my bananas are having to start from ground level this year.

Hosta - Sun and Shade

Sun and Shade
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I can't resist adding this photo to the blog. As I've said before, I'm hopeless at making notes of or remembering the names of all the different Hosta in the garden (about 40).
But this time of year is probably the best time for Hostas, they look fresh and, if you are lucky, not too full of slug holes.
The photograph was taken in the early evening with the sun shining through the blue-green leaves showing up the veining.

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold'


Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' (Adriatic Bellflower) is just beginning to flower and I think the plant looks best when it is in bud. The emerging blue buds look really great amongst the almost yellow leaves and create a sort of haze effect. I can’t resist trying to get a decent photograph of it and my Flickr site has many attempts on it.

I grow this plant on a narrow wall bed in a fairly sunny site and the extra height plus it being just outside the glass back doors enable it to be seen. Of course, I have to admit, I didn’t think of this when I planted it 10 years ago – it just turned out to be a lucky placement.

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' is a low growing, rock garden, perennial type of Campanula. I have several other ‘rock garden’ types but they tend to be invasive as does garganica but this ‘Dickson’s Gold’ variety behaves itself very well. My plant now covers about 3 square feet and is about 3 inches high. This variety has the added advantage of its bright yellow-green leaves that give interest even when the plant is out of flower.

Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'

I am surprised to find that Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' has made it through last winter unaided.

I’ve always thought of this plant as a houseplant and, therefore, tender. I originally bought the plant as part of my experiments of growing so called ‘houseplants’ as summer bedding. It is planted in a bed that houses bananas, a palm and Colocasias and has survived for the last 3 years but I was certain last winter’s cold would kill it.

I noticed, at the weekend, that it had survived and below is a photograph of new shoots rising from the soil.


I’ve since read that Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' is actually supposed to be quite hardy so I have learnt something! I also now know that it is sometimes referred to as Setcreasea pallida ‘Purpurea’. I also now know that the plain green leaved form is an invasive weed in Australia.

Anyway, the plant looks tropical and most unlikely to survive the UK climate, hence it goes well in a tropical planting of bananas and the like.