

I’ve been racked with guilt for not having posted anything for a couple of weeks. However, I feel far more guilty about having not replied to some of the comments recently – If you’re reading this – Sorry Wendy and Kevin.

I have no real excuses other than: I’ve been decorating; any spare time has been spent watering the garden; work has been crap. But most of all, I seem to be incapable of taking any half-decent photos, this problem might be helped by a new lens being delivered tomorrow.

Anyway, the garden has been doing fine despite the shortage of rain. Stuff like Bananas & Colocasias are gradually beginning to shrug-off the harsh winter but they are far behind in terms of their usual stature for this time of year.

Below is a picture of the pond taken yesterday evening:

Garden July 2010

There is a very large Hosta on the far side of the pond. In fact, it’s too large and, if I get round to it, I must divide it over winter.

1 comment:

  1. looks great, will have to post some pics of my pond,
